
Art Journaling – First Page of First Journal…

Posted on: September 30, 2011 at 4:48 am

You know in life sometimes, you hear about a thing and you go...haaaan ok but its not for me. Then all of a sudden everywhere you turn you hear about just that thing you thought is not for you....That is exactly what happened with me and Art Journaling, I kept hearing about it but  kept putting it away. So, finally one day I decided to see what it is and guess what?? ...I got sucked in.
I guess when things are meant to happen they just will...
Sketch book

Sketch book

So last week one day while shopping for reading books for my daughter at  Barnes and Nobles, I saw this Light Green Sketch book beautifuly laid down...and even before I could shift my sight I heard her call me.  Making sure my husband was nowhere in sight I went ahead and   picked it up. I liked the feel of it and the blank white papers felt just right and instantly I knew what to do with it... Ignoring my dear husband's whys and what fors I got it home....

Love the greens

Love the greens

I am planning to make 1-2 journal pages each week, and I would be posting about it too...This week  I started with naming....

My name

My name

I used Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils for filling the alphabets felt too much of a work to fill the space and then to wet it with water. I love the pencils but they are not good for a smooth paper like that of my sketch book, they are also not good for large spaces and they do not really blend well when brushed with a wet brush. So after finishing the alphabets, I got back to my regular watercolors for the background and the circles.

In detail

In detail

I created patterns on the alphabet with glitter gold and on the circles with black. So that was my first page of my first Art Journal....Hope you enjoyed reading about my journey
You know how much I enjoy reading your please post them right  below...

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