What Is It?
The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs. These simple shapes are the "Elemental Strokes" in all Zentangle art. These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." We call them tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics.
Zentangle art is non-representational and unplanned so you can focus on each stroke and not worry about the result. There is no up or down to Zentangle art. If fact, you can most easily create Zentangle art by rotating your tile as you tangle -- always keeping your hand in a relaxed position. You don't need to know what a tangle is going to look like to draw it. You just need to know the steps. The result is a delightful surprise.

How Does It Work?
The Zentangle Method works because it is simple, fun and effective and it helps you get out of your own way. There are no mistakes, no preplanned outcomes, yet the result is unexpected and beautiful . . . and all this occurs with gratitude and appreciation.
It also enables you to deliberately access a state of relaxed focus, wake up your imagination and express it creatively with confidence. According to many anecdotes, the physical, mental and emotional benefits of this are significant. You focus on each immediate stroke without worrying about what to do next or what the end result will be. You discover you know what to do when the time comes to do it.
To discover Zentangle and to get hands on experience, Join me at my Zentangle workshop!!
How do I get started?
In 2010, during our short stay in the USA, I came across a Zentangle workshop organized by a CZT in my area. With two little kids and no help in US, I had to put away my paints and brushes. It was quite frustrating as my creativity was at its lowest. However, this workshop was just 3hrs long and I could take home a finished project. Hmmm…so, I made arrangements, the hubby took charge of the kids and I went on to take the class.
Well, what can I say, that one class changed my life!! I was completely hooked on. Zentangle was just perfect for me… I could sit anywhere and work, and unlike with my oil paints I didn’t need to have a solid 2-3 hrs to create. When my baby needed me I could just cap the pen and attend to him and not worry about the paints or brushes. A 10 mins here and a 10 mins there was just perfect. I was creating some fun, interesting and intricate artworks. Even though I wasn’t really showing anyone, I felt accomplished and that boosted my confidence. I got back into creating, making new art friends, and slowly even exhibiting my works…

In 2011, I went on to get certified as a Zentengle Teacher, making me the first in India. Since then I have been conducting regular classes in my studio, Community College, recreation centers, in the US and now in India since my move back in 2013. Having introduced Zentangle to over 1000 participants, I offer Corporate workshops, online and private workshops along with monthly beginners and advance classes at my studio in Chennai.