
Art Journaling — Vishnu Namam…

Posted on: January 10, 2012 at 7:30 pm

It is amazing how sometimes we take things for granted.....The below image of Vishnu Namam (Namam is the mark adorned by Hindu's on there forehead...) is something I grew up seeing everyday and also adorned myself during  specific festivals...But all this while I merely thought it was to represent Vishnu (Vishnu the Hindu God who sustains life...).
Only recently I discovered the secret or the hidden meaning behind this symbol...and it shook me up....So, here I created a page in my art journal...
Vishnu Namam...

Vishnu Namam...

This namam is  usually worn by men on the forehead, starting between the eyebrows and goes upto the hairline. It consists of the white "U" and then a thin red mark that goes beyond the white mark.. Women adorn only the red mark without the white around it...

My son dressed as Lord Krishna and my daughter as the Gopika...

My son dressed as Lord Krishna and my daughter as the Gopika...

Picture of my children with Vishnu Namam....

Vishnu Namam...

Vishnu Namam...

So here is the secret......The white represents the male energy and the red represents the female energy. The white symbolizes the Emotional Growth and Spiritual Growth. The red symbolizes the material Growth.  Through Material growth one seeks Emotional and Spiritual growth, and attaining all the three is the purpose of Human Life.

Glad to have discovered the hidden they say better late than never....

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