
Best friends..

Posted on: April 13, 2013 at 3:24 am

"Best friends" 8x8 Oils on Panel..PRICE : $ 100   ©sandhyamanne

"Best friends" 8x8 Oils on Panel..PRICE : $ 100 ©sandhyamanne

My last boat painting created a lot of interest...and so decided to do another one....this painting looks like two best friends chatting....I have been trying to paint with palette knives for sometime now and am totally enjoying the process... This might be one of the last paintings I do here in the US...Regarding updates on my BIG move...we are in the process of cleaning, selling and packing..I am glad all the fixtures and furniture at the studio has been the big challenge is to pack and ship my unsold art to India....Last week I mentioned I have 2 commissions to do, well I have completed one and half way the other...and of the two paintings I wanted to do, I am done with one, so one more to go and regarding the 2 started on both... Phew!!....still a long way to go...

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