
Daily Oils 2

Posted on: May 11, 2012 at 5:32 am

Actually, I intended to post this yesterday...but then...well, lets say I had a very productive day yesterday..It feels extremely good when I get to accomplish all that I set out to at the beginning of the day. So I am still on with my Daily Oils...the plan is to create something small everyday as a study and / or as a practice... but since I am still new to this whole idea and to keep things really simple, I am creating copies of Carol Marine's work once I get the hang of it I might start doing my own little masterpiece everyday...but thats a long way to go...I am hoping by # 50 I should be good...we will see.. Ok so here is what I did yesterday...

Paint me red...5"X7", Oils on Canvas Panel...©sandhyamanne

Paint me red...5"X7", Oils on Canvas Panel...©sandhyamanne

Hope you enjoyed it....There is something else too I want to share with you...its our brand new mini-indoor garden...I love love plants...infact I am farmer's granddaughter...My grandma had this matter what she planted it would bloom to be a beauty...not sure if its true but I like to believe I have inherited that from her...... So here is what we got...

Mini-Indoor Garden..

Mini-Indoor Garden..

I really like this...its right across the table I sit to paint everytime I look at it, it makes me smile... ​this is only 80% done..have few more additions to make, may be this weekend...but then I could not wait to show you....isn't that bliss??...My dream house will have a square courtyard right in the middle of the house with red floor tiles and open to the sky...the courtyard would be surrounded by plants just like these...I imagine myself sitting right in the middle of it on a well cushioned cane sofa, with a book on one hand and green tea on the other....hmmm...but hey!! dreams do come true...

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