
Exhibit “Akanksha” Invite

Posted on: February 25, 2014 at 12:04 pm

Fifty Fabulous women artists come together to celebrate women's day, by exhibiting their beautiful artworks .This exhibition called Akanksha will be held at Chitra Kala Parishad, Bangalore on March 8,9 and 10.These fifty self taught artists have been brought together by the efforts of UshaRai, Shyamala Ramanand and Kavitha Prasanna. It is a first of its kind in Bangalore and I am honored to be one of the 50 artists showcasing their work...

I invite you to "Akanksha" an all women Artist show

The show runs from  March 8th to March 10th
Gallery Timings 10:30 AM to 7 PM

Join me for the Inauguration on...
March 8th at 3 PM
Karnataka ChitraKala Parishath
Kumara Krupa Road, Bangalore - 560001

A glimpse of all the wonderful artworks...

A glimpse of all the wonderful artworks...

and while you are there interact with the Artists...

and while you are there interact with the Artists...

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