

Posted on: May 1, 2012 at 4:40 am

Yay!! I am celebrating my website’s first anniversary…Yeah…can’t believe its been a year now. Last year this time I was working extremely hard for its launch…I wanted it to go live before Mother’s Day….and it did!! all that hard work calls for a celebration….no?? But wait, what’s celebration without gifts?? Exactly… here I am holding a giveaway. As a mark of this very special occasion and to thank you for your wonderful patronage and friendship....I created this very special artwork – Spring Flowers...

Spring Flowers...4"x4", Ink on Paper  © sandhyamanne

Spring Flowers...4"x4", Ink on Paper © sandhyamanne

Spring Flowers...mounted on board  © sandhyamanne

Spring Flowers...mounted on board © sandhyamanne

Spring Flowers....1.5 inches board, ready to hang or sit on your desk....©sandhyamanne

Spring Flowers....1.5 inches board, ready to hang or sit on your desk....©sandhyamanne

AND I will be gifting it away to one lucky winner!!!!..
Well so here are the Rules to win this wonderful piece...
- Giveaway starts on May 1st (today) Ends on May 6th.
- Join me by signing up with your name and email on the upper write corner of this page.
- Winner will be selected randomly from the list and will be announced on May 7th.
- Winner will be contacted through email. Please respond within 48 hours or next person will be selected..
That’s it simple….. but remember you have to be registered to enter the  giveaway (Sign up on the upper corner of this page)
Oh!! and I would love to see your wishes in the comments below.. ;))

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