
Guest post on Balancing Art and Motherhood

Posted on: May 20, 2011 at 6:06 am

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

Zen Chakra

"Zen Chakra" 10"x8" © sandhyamanne 2011

So, I wrote a guest post on being a mother and an artist on Art Business Coach Alyson B. Stanfield's Blog titled Balancing the Roles of Artist and Mother ....
With two young children and an art career, often friends and acquitance ask me how I manage both.
To be honest, I enjoy that question. It makes me feel accomplished (ya already!!).
But, the truth is finding that balance is a continues process. While my growth rate as an artist may not be as fast as it should have been, I genuinely appreciate life much more since the birth of my children. They amaze me every single day be it with their questions or their ability to learn and adapt. I get charged to create every time my daughter asks me what painting I would be making today.
Since, I have less time for art, I make use of it the right way.
While motherhood is hard, children are bliss. At the end of the day having them is totally worth the efforts.
So, here is a thing that keeps me going "where there is will there is a way".
Though the post is written as an artist mother. All working mothers have similar issues of balancing work and motherhood.
So, how do you manage both??

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