

Posted on: August 20, 2022 at 6:00 pm


The energy all around here in India is buzzing, as we celebrate our 75th Independence Day on August 15th. Our national struggle was extremely difficult.

To give a point of reference, India is the only ancient living civilization in the world. And it has seen some extremely tough times, especially the last 400-500 yrs until 1947. It is simply amazing how in spite of all the atrocities the culture has survived.

When we got independent in 1947, the nation as a whole was deeply wounded, starving, bleeding and financially poor. As a democratic nation for the past 75 yrs now we have been on a continuous journey to change that narrative. We still have a long road ahead but we are persistent.

This time of the year my emotions are often high… Being a woman, I am grateful to be part of this culture and this democracy and I am aware of my blessings. Wishing my people a very Happy Independence Day!

The above tile is my take on the new translucent tiles, playing along with Zentangle Inc’s Project Pack 18.

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