
Its ready!!

Posted on: February 1, 2013 at 6:39 am

"Its ready" 6x6 inches Oils on Panel ©

"Its ready" 6x6 inches Oils on Panel ©

Phew!! feels like the last day of the High School board exams.....Today was the last day of  the 30 Painting in 30 Days  challenge....and YES!!! I did it...Just because I like it different, for the last day of the Challenge I decided to paint a still life....after working on portraits for the last 29 days, doing a still life was extremely one point I thought I completely forgot how to paint...
so happy to know all is well....

Here is a collage of the "Funny Freaks" series

"Funny Freaks"...

"Funny Freaks"...

Also, just wanted to is my brother-in-law's birthday (my model for this series..) wishing him a very Happy Birthday with loads of Happiness and Success...

Here is a collage of the other portraits I did during this Challenge..

This challenge made me to stretch and get out of that comfort zone...not all are master pieces here...but I know I have grown...and I am particularly proud of the "Funny Freaks" series...My time at the studio is limited to 4 I had to paint these within that time...but it was only in the last 1/2 hr that everything would come together and looked like a face...intresetingly it used to be a similar situation during my school was only during the last 1/2 hr of the 3 hr exam time that I would get the most done... guess I work better in pressure.. So will I do something like this again?? answer would be NO...with 2 little kids and a house to take care, it is not feasible...I was working Saturday's and Sunday's too...but yes I will paint regularly... more like 15-20 paintings in a month...

I am glad to have had an interesting start of 2013....

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