Jan 2014 30-30 at a glance
Posted on: January 31, 2014 at 2:22 pm

30 Paintings in 30 Days January 2014.....©sandhyamanne
Here is 30 paintings in a glance......As you might have noticed my theme this time was Birds and Landscape... also I painted all these painting using only palette knives... I also experimented with light.....I am satisfied with my attempt... Talking about my journey through these 30 days, I am happy I stayed committed ...with Shankranthi (the Indian Thanksgiving festival) right in the middle of the month, my baby brother visiting us from New York and kids Annual sports day...it was not easy...on the bright side I have learnt a lot and also have more ideas for future paintings...
So tell me which one of these is your favorite!!..
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