July Clouds on Dallas Skies…
Posted on: July 12, 2012 at 5:23 am
Oh!!!! finally...... I just can't mention how relieved I feel today...after a gap of two weeks I went back to creating Daily Oils...In between settling in my new space and working on a big project....I had sidelined Daily Oils....but have to mention I felt totally empty...as if I was not achieving anything through the day...Daily Oils is for sure my thing....
So today before I began working on the big project...I took my small canvas and started working on this with the oil paints with palate knives...
This year summer has been very kind to us...we have had some rainfalls in July....YUP in July too.... here is "July clouds on Dallas Skies..." Daily Oils #30..

"July Clouds on Dallas Skies" Oils on Canvas panel ©sandhyamanne
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