
Pictures of OXIDE Gallery Night

Posted on: February 14, 2012 at 5:47 am

On February 4th 2012, we had this year's first Gallery night at OXIDE Gallery. It was a lovely evening with colorful art from regular featuring artists of the Gallery and February's heart themed special show...After all the hard work, with food and wine it was a gala time for me to sit back  and watch people stop by my work to appreciate and admire and connect with fellow artists friends... So here we go for some snap shots from the show....

Color, color everywhere..what color do you choose??

Color, color everywhere..what color do you choose??

It is such a great collection of bright, colorful art...

more colorful art...

more colorful art...

From encaustic, to oils, to mixed media, to watercolors, to fussed glass you name it and it was there...

Check out the amazing Ceramic animals in the center...

Check out the amazing Ceramic animals in the center...

From encaustic, to oils, to mixed media, to watercolors, to fussed glass you name it and it was there...

Me with my art

Me with my art

Hmm what do you think??...

Hmm what do you think??...

Love the display...

Love the display...

The Trees of Life..

The Trees of Life..

Flower Chakra

Flower Chakra

my babies..

my babies..

After the amazing show, we went to an Ind0-Chinese restaurant ...our new the food, love the ambience and our daughter loves the fortune cookie...
By the way, the Exhibit ends is on till May 28th.....So go take a peek for some fun vibrant art...

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