Pure Bliss
Posted on: February 8, 2013 at 7:32 pm

"Pure Bliss"....8x10 inches...Oils on Panel....
For some reason this painting took 3 days to finish...though most part was completed the first day...I needed another 45 mins to finish...and it took 2 days to find that 45 mins....but I very happy with this...yes, its from a picture of my kids...in absolute bliss and happiness...I love the way both their feet is up in the air...and I am entering this painting in a show themed "I AM"...
I AM pure Bliss…Bliss is when body, mind, soul, all together is in a harmonious dance. Bliss is when your whole being is in such an attunement, in such an accord, that there is no conflict left, no tension left, no misery left.
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