
Weekend at Lakewood Summer Arts Faire 2011

Posted on: September 1, 2011 at 4:10 am

Last weekend (26th Aug- 28th Aug) was the much anticipated  art faire at The Lakewood United Methodist church. I was juried in for this faire, so I got to set up a booth and display all my art. This was my first art faire ever. Though I had been preparing for the show for the last couple of weeks , I was particularly nervous about the set up for the art display inspite of my dear husband being very optimistic about it. So, on friday the 26th after dropping off our daughter at her school we went to the venue early to set up the display...

This was my spot...for the display

This was my spot...for the display

Men at work.....helping me with the display

Men at work.....helping me with the display

My Booth all set....

My Booth all set....

By 7 PM all the artists were ready with their display for the show ... from 7 to 8 PM was VIP preview, though not many in number there was a good flow of visitors and then from 8-10 PM was the artist's reception at the organisers house...lots of food, wine, art and artists...just the perfect combination I needed to relax and get ready for the next day...

All set for the VIP Preview...

All set for the VIP Preview...

On the 27th the event started at 10 AM, I was there on time...met fellow artists on my floor and got ready for the show....people started walking in. My spot was up on the 2nd floor hallway...there were about 15 artists displaying upstairs...but the majority of them were down in the main event area. The organizers were offering free popcorn and lemonade upstairs, encouraging people to visit the artists upstairs. The artists were well taken care of by the organizers we were served lunch and ofcourse free popcorn and lemonade...
Shortly after I had my first sale....
My First sale at the show .....

My First sale at the show .....

I sold one more painting and a miniature and few Thank you notes.....a perfect closing for the day at 6PM.

"Abstract Ganesha in Blue".....SOLD

"Abstract Ganesha in Blue".....SOLD

On the 28th the event started at 11 AM, since venue was a church there was a service at that time. So we had a pretty good crowd comming and they all said wonderful things about my art....I sold one painting too, but during lunch hour there wasn't much traffic however by 3PM we had some great crowd and I sold yet another painting. I also had few friends visiting me for support and encouragement....which was very nice and I felt great.



"Avighna"....the last sale at the show

"Avighna"....the last sale at the show

At 5 PM the show ended and it was time to break down. I am soo glad and happy as I met some amazing people, wonderfully talented artists...learned a lot about art fairs, presenting my art, categorizing my art and discovered my niche.
So, will be at the faire next year...well absolutely!!!

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