Weekly Round-Up - Introducing TANGLE FIESTA, a simple classic black and white Zentangle Mini Projects on my YouTube channel and Instagram LIVE this week .....
These sessions are beginner-friendly and perfect to get started, the weekly projects are created using very simple tangles.

Created these "Tangle along with me" projects as Tangle FIESTA week.

Have used some fun tangles Cirque,Toodles
Tangle Fiesta Series #5, Zentangle video on my YouTube, you can watch the full video Here

Tangles used Cirque,Toodles
This is from our insta Live session,Tangle Fiesta Series #5. We meet every Monday 7.30PM, India Time tangle together...watch the replay Here
On Tuesday, we create a fun project on our "TANGLE FIESTA" series on YOUTUBE and this is TF#5.
On Monday 7:30PM, India Time, join me on Instagram handle @sandhyamanne as we create a “TANGLE FIESTA”, with interesting tangles. You can watch the above live session here -> LIVE
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