
Yellow Skates

Posted on: September 1, 2013 at 7:29 am

"Yellow Skates" 6x6 inches, Oils on Panel ©sandhyamanne

"Yellow Skates" 6x6 inches, Oils on Panel ©sandhyamanne

If you remember my 30 Painting in 30 Days Challenge from January this year.....I am participating in a similar challenge...So this September I plan to paint 30 paintings in 30 days.....My theme this time would be "Colors of India". I have been clicking so many pictures since I landed here.. and challenge is the best way to use them in my painting and even better get me started to paint more...

I took this picture last week during CWA(Chennai Weekend Artists) meet at Marina was a hot Sunday morning and the crowd was thin...while others were busy sketching the Gandhi statue there was this kid practicing his skates around the statue....

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