
Zentangle studio scoop Sep week 4

Posted on: September 29, 2011 at 11:59 am

 A lot is happening, I thought August was a busy month but then September seems even busier. Getting both the kids to settle in their respective schools is in itself a big achievement. When things don't  go as planned it gets very frustrating, but I guess it only means someone is making better plans for us from up there...the sooner we realize the easier we deal with the pain and frustration..
Those whom we can love, we can hate; to others we are indifferent"    Henry David Thoreau 

Tangles  for  love and hate.....







"A Beautiful Web"

"A Beautiful Web"

The tangles are created using Sakura pen 01 on a tiny 3"x2" journal I picked at Michaels store.
 Hope you had fun...and remember to come by again next week to see my tangles from this week... You know how much I enjoy reading your please post them below...

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